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       x    x x     x     x                 x x x x        x        
       x     x     x      x                x       x       x        
     x x x     x x      x x x             x         x      x    

      x                                    x x x x x                       
      x         x  x    x           x          x     x x x    x  x    x   x
      x        x    x    x         x           x     x       x    x   x   x
      x       x      x    x   x   x            x     x x    x         x x x
      x        x    x      x x x x             x     x       x    x   x   x
      x x x x   x  x        x   x              x     x x x    x  x    x   x
      x x                                                                     
    x     x                                                            x  x   
   x            x x     x       x     x x    x x x   x  x    x x x   x      x 
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   x         x       x  x   x   x  x         x x     x  x      x          x   
    x     x   x     x   x     x x   x     x  x       x         x     x      x 
      x x       x x     x       x     x x    x x x   x         x       x  x  
      x  x                                 x x                    
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      x    x     x     x     x           x     x   x     x   x       x
      x  x         x x       x             x x       x x     x       x


If you "do e-mail", you'll know what to do with the "low tech" graphics.
(Without spaces, of course, and you don't need to capitalize anything.)

There ARE OTHER WAYS to foil the "spam-bots" (those despicable programs that "harvest" e-mail addresses from websites), but this method should work with ANY BROWSER and ANY SETTINGS. No one should be left out. Your questions, comments and other observations, including constructive criticism, are invaluable (priceless - not valueless); even though there almost certainly will not be sufficient time or space here to thank each of you individually.

It is hoped there will be time and web space to post on a separate "Reader Comments" page as many as possible of your brief notes that might have generel interest to other readers. IF YOU ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT YOURS INCLUDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, please begin your message with ED, or ED- (for editor only).

If it's OK but you want to remain completely anonymous, dont "sign it" at the end. Otherwise, a personal name and last-name-initial would be appreciated along with a general regional location (Country or State of the U.S. for example - as in "Jim B. Ohio" or Maria C. Italy).

REST ASSURED NEITHER THIS INFORMATION NOR YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL BE "COLLECTED" FOR ANY SORT OF MARKETING OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. You may rarely receive a "reply-to" e-mail asking for more information, clarification, etc. but VERY rarely.

Low Tech Concepts sincerely thanks all of you in advance, and looks forward to hearing from you.

"If All Else Fails ..."

Low Tech Megaphone
Austrian jazz band, Vienna; WolfgangW.

The Truth About "Natural" Healing
-- Ten Things You Should Know

1. What IS It -- REALLY?
Scientific "Alternative Medicine"? OR Psychosomatic Occult Superstition?

2. The Issues --
Widespread Claims & Misconceptions

3. Is It Safe?

4. Is It Scientific?

5. Is It Legal?

6. What's the REAL Problem?

7. Is It Enough? --
Growing Up REALLY Drug Free -- A True Story

8. Is It For YOU?

9. How Does It Work? --
Unconventional Concepts of Illness & Health -- You May or May Not Have Considered

10. How You Can Learn More
-- With Further-Reading Recommendations

Appendix / FAQ's, Etc.
-- Other Frequently Asked Questions and Observations

Text-only Version - for Printing - All Pages Except Appendix
(Opens in a new window so you won't lose this navigation bar)


NOTHING in these pages is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ANY illness or disease; nor to prescribe, endorse, OR EVEN RECOMMEND any substance, therapy or other health care choice. All material is provided as INFORMATION ONLY for the exclusive use of persons wishing to take greater PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their body and health or those desiring to defend the reasonableness of doing so. This work is privately funded, purely educational, non-commercial, non-political, non-religious, and strives to be as neutral and non-partisan in every other way as any entity exposing error can possibly be. While based on sources believed by the editor to be reliable, all statements not directly quoted from and referenced to other sources should be considered merely one person's unorthodox opinion.

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Truly Natural Health Information Center
provided as a "community service"
Low Tech Concepts.

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