"The Bigger Picture"
Picture Credits, Permissions, Licensing
(And A Little Background And History Where Available)
For The Educational Series:

"Alternative Health Care
(Alternative Medicine?)
-- What's The REAL Issue?"

The foot tunnel at U.S. National Park Service's Scotts Bluff National Monument (named after the area's legendary early- nineteenth-century fur trader Hiram Scott and located in western Nebraska near the Colorado state line) dug as a test prior to the Summit Road's vehicular tunnels in 1933; now a part of the 1.6 mile (2.6 kilometer) long, 435 foot (133 meter) climb, asphalt hiking path, Saddle Rock Trail.
Photo by Jonathan S. Garcia.
For more information and pictures, visit: http://www.nps.gov/ scbl/planyourvisit/ sadrock.htm


NOTHING on this website is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ANY illness or disease; nor to prescribe, endorse, OR EVEN RECOMMEND any substance, therapy or other health care choice. All material is provided as INFORMATION ONLY for the exclusive use of persons wishing to take greater PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their body and health or those desiring to defend the reasonableness of doing so. While based on sources believed by the editor to be reliable, all statements not directly quoted and referenced to other sources should be considered merely one person's unorthodox opinion.

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