"Alternative Medicine" - Natural Health Care? - Reform?
Non-commercial, purely-educational facts you need for freedom of informed CHOICE -- not merely informed CONSENT.

Note -- If you're FOR one choice and against another, just remember: It may be FOR you, but it isn't FOR everybody; so don't "make a religion of it" (or a "crusade" or an "inquisition", either) by ASSUMING we all need the same things and have the same personal values. WE DON'T! Grant everyone else the same freedom of choice you cherish.
- Free E-Book - Continued -

The Truth About "Natural" Healing
-- Ten Things You Should Know

6. What's the REAL Problem? -> -> -> -> ->

Could it be a "heart" problem? No, not a cardiovascular disease--- a deeply felt emotional "hang-up". [A nice way of saying "prejudice"] Now, I don't know any human who can even "read minds" completely, much less "hearts". But we do seem to have an unintentional confession in the presentation by Professor Emeritus Paul Kurtz (State University of New York at Buffalo) to the first North American conference of the Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Quoted in part (ALL-CAPS ADDED BY EDITOR FOR EMPHASIS): "In response to the growth of public interest in alternative medicine, many medical schools are now teaching courses in it. We thus are suddenly faced with the extraordinary growth of alternative therapies, often in COMPETITION with scientific medicine."

"With THIS PROBLEM in mind, many of us associated with the skeptics movement decided to organize a systematic response to alternative medicine." ---- "In Defense of Scientific Medicine" ---- reprinted in "Science Meets Alternative Medicine: What the Evidence Says About Unconventional Treatments" (c)2000 by Wallace Sampson, M.D. and Lewis Vaughn.

What was "this problem" again? "Competition"? (Is this a classic "Freudian slip", or what?) Of course, competition is not always about money, remember. Human nature also loves feeling important and, for usually-obscure reasons, to feel a certain power or control over others. For example, another speaker at the above mentioned conference related a well known U.S. Congressman's testimony some years ago to a congressional subcommittee on "alternative medicine" about his personal experience with the (at the time) widely reported health benefits of a key ingredient in mammalian mothers' first milk, --- having bought some from a dairy farmer he knew--- and even in "cold print" the feeling was evident that the speaker and his colleagues were just SO PROUD of themselves that they got the dairy farmer arrested for "practicing medicine without a license". WHAT MEDICINE?! IT WAS COW'S MILK! Pure and simple!

Granted, only the fanatically opposed get this ridiculous. There are many medical doctors who are genuinely interested in their patients' welfare, just like many (but not all) politicians sincerely desire to "make the world a better place"; but what either can accomplish is limited by the greedy (for money, power, prestige, etc.) system of which they're a part. The truly-caring physicians usually are also far too busy doing just that (caring for their patients) to research better alternatives or even to keep up with such research done by others. So, for lack of continuing education, sincere but uninformed one-sided viewpoints continue strongly held --- blocking genuine understanding and progress.

For many people even in a well-intentioned (but powerful) system, the brain may be brilliant but when the mind-and-heart faculties of it "cooperate in mischief" with a self-assured disposition, the frequent result is all the classic symptoms of "General Bullmoose Syndrome". Never heard of the ailment? Remember political/social cartoonist Al Capp's satirical comic strip "Li'l Abner" set in Dogpatch, U.S.A.? His embodiment of private sector powerful interest groups was a fictional (yet very real) Washington, D.C. character he named General Bullmoose, whose overriding motto (obviously held up to ridicule) was: "What's good for General Bullmoose is good for everybody!".

If your friends don't have any more loyalty than to be embarrassed when you're different, maybe they deserve to be embarrassed. The question is: Do they deserve to call themselves your friends?
<---<---<---<--- "The Bell Cow?"

Copyright © 2004 David Monniaux.
<---<---<---<---<--- The V I P ?

"Napoleon on his Imperial throne" by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
More About The Book "Science Meets Alternative Medicine"?

You are reading --- The Truth About "Natural" Healing --- Ten Things You Should Know

Copyright 2007 Low Tech Concepts

[Click (Or Touch) Any Picture
For It's OWN Story]

1. What IS It --- REALLY? --- Scientific "Alternative Medicine"? OR Psychosomatic Occult Superstition?

2. The Issues --- Widespread Claims & Misconceptions

3. Is It Safe?

4. Is It Scientific?

5. Is It Legal?

Well if you've read the "legal" page (the previous segment), you'll understand when I say Mr. John Stuart Mill and I are both here to tell you that what's good for General Bullmoose IS NOT good for everybody. Maybe not even for General Bullmoose! But HE ALONE should have to bear the consequences of BELIEVING it's good for him. In reality it seems we're all still in Dogpatch "paying" for General Bullmoose's inflated opinion of himself --- he apparantly has us believing it with him. We've been considered the "ignorant masses" so long most of us evidently see ourselves that way. Our ususal response to evidence of possibilities alternative to "expert" opinions is: "But they've had all this specialized training!", as if others are incapable of reading in their mother tongue and thinking. A professional opinion actually is just that --- an opinion --- SOMETIMES based on first-impression superficial evidence, never considering other possibilities.

"Prejudice means literally pre-judgement, the rejection of a contention out of hand, before examining the evidence. Prejudice is the result of powerful emotions, not of sound reasoning. ... But we cannot reject out of hand, any more than we can accept at face value ..." ---- Carl Sagan, "Sense and Nonsense at the Edge of Science"

"Powerful emotions" indeed --- that's the "heart" condition here. Prejudice --- whether racial, ethnic, or any other area of life --- does not have to be intentional OR have hateful motivations. It CAN in fact be sincerely motivated by the most noble, charitable, philanthropic, etc. INTENTIONS. But, it's still prejudice. A belief or viewpoint only needs to be strongly held --- WITHOUT regard for, interest in, or even curiosity about the evidence, the facts, the truth. And while we all seem to hate being lied to, we don't always actually LOVE TRUTH. Sometimes we prefer to BELIEVE something is the way WE think it SHOULD be. Of course, without solid evidence, we have no real convictions; so, we "need" everyone else to believe it with us. Essentially we become (intellectually) bullies --- blustering cowards.

This neither describes all professional opinions nor is limited to professionals. It may, however, diagnose the only "heart disease" that's contagious ---attitude. Sadly, in this area of life, the seemingly most caring individuals are the most susceptible. The "established" way of healing ("allopathic medicine" in the Western world) is part of their "culture" ---- their "religious upbringing", if you will, even if they profess none. Especially friends and family. They do care about you and want the best for you. Imagining they KNOW what's best is the problem. Mindless sentimental love can be as misguided as zeal. Ever see a toddler (not quite mentally and emotionally ready for it) given a new pet; and who "loves" the baby duck, kitten, puppy or whatever so much it gets smothered --- literally "loved" to death? Zeal OR love that's uninformed, mis-informed, or insufficiently informed can have similar results at any age in virtually any setting.

Sadly, recovery from this "illness" can be agonizingly slow and painful. In this case, recovery requires "want-to" --- willingness to truly listen, think and reason. So, even in this more "enlightened" twenty-first century, (as the following true story illustrates) it appears that a professional chemist with degrees from Oxford and MIT, Anthony Standen, picked a timelessly apropos title for his 1950 book --- SCIENCE IS A SACRED COW.

Please Click Here To Continue With
"Growing Up REALLY Drug Free --- A True Story"

"Speak of the Devil!"
"Bullmoose" in Person

U.S. Government Photo, CHugach State Park, Alaska.

Kitty Cat, Looking In 
  Mirror, Sees Lion

Tunnel Vision?
Natural Tunnel 
 Through Rock Formation
U.S. National Park Service Photo by Jonathan S. Garcia
More From Carl Sagan?

---Ten Things You Should Know ---Continued

6. What's the REAL Problem?

7. Is It Enough? --- Growing Up REALLY Drug Free --- A True Story

8. Is It For YOU?

9. How Does It Work? --- Unconventional Concepts of Illness & Health --- You May or May Not Have Considered

10. How You Can Learn More
"My Mind Is Made Up! Don't Confuse Me With The Facts."

"Sacred" Cow, New Delhi, India;
Marc Shandro, Wikimedia Commons contributor
More about the book SCIENCE IS A SACRED COW?

Appendix --- Other Observations and Questions You May or May Not Have Wondered About

Appendix 2 --- A Natural-Healing Perspective on Coronavirus and others that are blamed for various illnesses

Living Wills, Advance Medical Directives, and Serious Considerations


NOTHING in these pages is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ANY illness or disease; nor to prescribe, endorse, OR EVEN RECOMMEND any substance, therapy or other health care choice. All material is provided as INFORMATION ONLY for the exclusive use of persons wishing to take greater PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their body and health or those desiring to defend the reasonableness of doing so.

This work is privately funded, purely educational, non- commercial, non-political, non-religious, and strives to be as neutral and non-partisan in every other way as presenting facts and correcting error can possibly be. While based on sources believed by the editor to be reliable, all statements not directly quoted from and referenced to other sources should be considered merely one person's unorthodox opinion.

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Truly-Natural-Health Information Center
provided as a "community service"
Low Tech Concepts.

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