"Alternative Medicine" - Natural Health Care? - Reform?
Non-commercial, purely-educational facts you need for freedom of informed CHOICE -- not merely informed CONSENT.
Note -- If you're FOR one choice and against another, just remember: It may be FOR you, but it isn't FOR everybody; so don't "make a religion out of it" (or a "crusade" or an "inquisition", either) by ASSUMING we all need the same things and have the same personal values. WE DON'T! Grant everyone else the same freedom of choice you cherish.

The Truth About "Natural" Healing
Appendix 2 ----

A Natural-Healing Perspective on Coronavirus
and others that are blamed for various illnesses

It was never the purpose or intention of these essays to discuss ANY SPECIFIC diseases. Most could rightly be considered merely symptoms of a more basic "disease" ---the body's failure to repair, maintain and energize itself adequately as described in Part 9. "Unconventional Concepts of Illness & Health You May or May Not Have Considered" .

But since this particular "dis - - ease" has become such a polarizing issue both politically and "religiously" that nobody seems to be listening to anybody, and since truly natural health and healing is not on EITHER side but IS often categorized in the minds of many as part of the DO-NOTHING crowd, there appears to be some widely-overlooked science that BOTH groups really need to stop and listen to and think about.

FIRST--- "natural healing" is NOT about DOING NOTHING. NOR is it just replacing so-called "big pharma" with supposedly safer, "natural medicine" ---as in so-called "folk healing". Truly-natural health and healing is not about ANY kind of medicine. It's an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CONCEPT and OBJECTIVE; and that is to physically and biologically (not chemically and pharmaceutically) support and maximize the entire body's OWN NATURAL, INTERNAL, BUILT-IN day-to-day self-cleaning, self-repairing functions ---primarily by SUPPLYING it with the quality "raw materials" it needs to do that work properly (the biological/nutritional equivalent of fuel, cleaning supplies and building-materials), and PROTECTING it from as many HARMFUL substances and conditions as humanly possible. A full and complete practical application of these principles would make "medicine" NOT ONLY unneeded, but fundamentally harmful itself. (Remember, most medicine is "controlled" ---by prescription only--- BECAUSE it is dangerous stuff.) But, don't assume "natural" healing is some fantasy that could never heal or prevent "disease" just because it sounds "too simple". It's actually the only TRUE healing there ever is --- with OR without medicine --- and is usually accomplished IN SPITE OF any OUTSIDE healing efforts more than BECAUSE of them. It's the prevailing culture's strongly-held preconceived notions of what is "proper" or "the right way to live" that suppresses good health and makes healing complicated.

Part 3."Is It Safe?" briefly explained the FUNCTIONAL difference. (Link opens to that point in a new window if you missed it or need a review.) For those who object, all-righteously, before even listening to the facts, that "life is sacred" ---and for those who ARE interested in the facts--- the CONCEPT difference follows:


The so-called "civilized" world seems to have the idea that life is an accident, and that our supposedly highly intelligent society must sift through the "rubble" and try to bring some sort of order to the "chaos"; when, actually, life must have been highly organized when it began, since reliable scientific evidence (in contrast to most pseudo-scientific speculation) indicates that life cannot exist for any useful, sustainable period of time any other way.

Whether or not a virus is "alive" is more a philosophical than a scientific question on which biologists still appear unable to agree. (What constitutes life? etc.) There DOES seem to be general agreement that it is NOT a "living CELL", but even a virus shows considerable internal regulation and organization. It does not appear as totally random chaos. (Could it be a PART of a once-living cell that did not die a "natural death"?)
So, while many scientists rather loosely and glibly admire the DESIGN in "nature" (and courts of law debate whether or not the expression should be taken literally to imply INTELLIGENT design ---and consequently an intelligent Designer) an impressive number of reputable researchers, from biologists and biochemists to astronomers and physicists, are finding serious evidence that life and everything else about the physical universe IS INDEED METICULOUSLY DESIGNED with great precision.

Although "natural science" marvels at the order and "wisdom" in "nature", so-called "civilization" seems obsessed with controlling "nature" as if it were demented, remodeling it as if it were a blunder, or even conquering it as if it were an enemy. Technology becomes the only "science" that matters. (Ah, well, that's where the money, power and prestige is, isn't it?:) Unfettered, non-commercialized scientific research indicates, however, that the real needs for long-term TRUE QUALITY of human life are: (1) UNPROCESSED food IN IT'S NATURAL STATE, (2) Avoiding all contact with chemical compounds that were NOT ALREADY put together in "nature" (along with a few that were) and (3) Learning better ways of COOPERATING with "nature" rather than trying to refine, refashion or remodel the earth and it's "furnishings" and other resources.

Many years ago, a Medical Doctor and nutritionist who was an earnest advocate of such research had an uncomplicated, elegantly simple guiding "formula" for that first need: "Eat only those foods which [readily] spoil or rot or decay ...before they do." (Quoted from personal interview in AWAKE! February 22, 1968 "How Fine are Refined Foods?" and his own book "Please Doctor, Do Something"). The other two needs are equally simple IN CONCEPT. It's "civilized" society's egotistic mindset about what's "proper" that makes them complicated.
These research studies are seldom widely publicized, however, not only because they're "not good for business", but largely because "civilization" in general doesn't really want to hear it. Its society has become mentally conditioned to see the "refined" way of life that requires ingesting in our food ---usually without our knowledge or judicious permission--- chemicals we can't even pronounce ---and inhaling or absorbing through our skin even more toxic stuff while cleaning and deodorizing with products that promise to make our job almost effortless (and never quite deliver) --- as the superior (or even the only right) way to live. Our fragile sense of self worth (or lack of it) can become so wrapped up in this delusion that we see anyone who dares to live differently as ignorant, foolish ---even frightening. No "conspiracy" OR theories involved! Just typical insecure-but-gullible self-indulgent human nature.

Of course, many people agree ---abstractly--- that human activity is ruining the earth. But real life, in the natural world, unchanged by human intervention, has long been seen by "polite society" as UN-civilized, even barbaric. Granted, it's far more momentarily convenient (as well as socially acceptable) to take a vaccine or other medicine and go on living one's customary "civilized", refined, self-indulgent lifestyle as if IT had made no contribution to the problem and each illness or disease were a separate, unrelated issue that "just happened" or was "caught" from someone else. The meticulous-design evidence strongly suggests, however, that in the human body, most illnesses ARE related and ALL the elements of truly natural health are connected and inter-dependent. It's a sort of "package deal". Not meaning there's no room for individual tastes and preferences. There's LOTS of variety in nature. But WE REALLY need to cooperate with IT and try diligently to shake this deeply held egocentric feeling that modern "civilization" is somehow smarter than "nature". If life really is "sacred", as medicine's advocates are prone to retort, then DON'T TAMPER with it! Of course, civilization's "refined" self-pleasing convenient-but-shortsighted physical/material lifestyle could not exist WITHOUT remodeling "nature", could it? ---A sharp contrast from the "three basic needs" for TRUE quality-of-life described above.

In case you missed it, Part 9. "How Does It Work?" explains further details of the natural healing concept.
(opens in a new window)

SECOND--- Medicine is NOT the only "savior" and protector or the only "scientific" healing method. In fact ----are you sitting down?---- it is not always even PROVEN truly scientific at all!

(See this excerpt from
Part 4. "Is It Scientific?"
for a startling example!
(opens in a new window)

But it IS often the only usable option for refined, "civilized" society. ---Another "package deal" ----if we want its convenience and other perceived pleasures, we most likely will need to "take the medicine" that goes with the lifestyle.

You likely recognize, however, that TRUE HEALTH does not come from something you TAKE. It's something you BUILD or CULTIVATE over many years. And those who have spent a lifetime carefully and consistently doing just that in harmony with the natural, life-respecting "3-basic-needs" briefly outlined above (and who therefore know from personal experience how well it works) are not about to risk compromising the PROTECTION that comes from THAT extensive "investment" just to be "socially acceptable". "Life is sacred"! Remember? You surely know that many drugs are NOT compatible with a number of other drugs. Are you also aware that many are medically recognized as incompatible with certain simple, natural, "healing" foods? Ask any caring, knowledgeable pharmacist. Or see Part 8. "Is It For YOU?" for one classic example.

Interestingly, according to news reports, the three Covid-19 vaccines (and the oral drug being developed as of this writing) have the same basic objective ---keep the virus from replicating! But according to information on CDC's website, each goes about it by a somewhat different method. Does that make ONE the ONLY right way while all others are "the work of the Devil"? If statistics indicate a certain method "works" for the majority of people, does that automatically make it the BEST one for EVERYBODY? Then think about this: The LARGER objective of the natural-healing way of life accomplishes the above NARROW objective AND MORE by still another method. It deprives the virus of the material IT uses to replicate and provides the body with the "raw materials" IT needs to dispose of the virus as the biological refuse that it is. And it was already doing that long before coronavirus was a word or its vaccines were even thought about. No, it isn't foolproof any more than vaccines or other medicines are 100% effective or risk-free. But it DOES work ---extremely effectively--- when you LIVE the method.

THIRD--- Truly natural healing is NOT "prompt, temporary relief"; NOR is it merely psychosomatic. Sure, it works more effectively the more committed and focused you are. Yet, given time and constancy, it works whether you believe in it or not ---and whether you follow it willingly or (as in some "less civilized" countries) you have no choice. The latter situation shows up in the below-cited statistics reported by Johns Hopkins Univerity School of Medicine and United Nations World Health Organization that reveal a PATTERN very similar to that of the "systemic" diseases [from dental caries to heart-disease, stroke, cancer and more] that were studied extensively in similar statistical-occurance manner the past century and shown to be primarily "diseases of civilization".

[Both last retrieved in October 2021]

Neither study was presented in a manner to PROVE anything; simply as information. But if you apply only a basic geographic/demographic knowledge of the world, the following pattern emerges: The FEWEST Covid-19 deaths COMPARED TO POPULATION were reported by the countries with the LEAST access to the processed, "refined" (dead- and-embalmed) foods, toxic chemicals and medicines of the so-called "civilized" world. Granted, the geographic isolation of parts of those countries may have hindered both "transmission" and accurate reporting. But from a FIFTH? to a TENTH? the PER-CAPITA death rate of the most "civilized" countries??!!!

----"Diseases of Civilization"----
----"We" largely did this to "ourselves"----

Yes, all of this is "heresy" to the "civilized" world, just as Galileo's ego-shattering discovery in the 15th Century that the earth is NOT the center of the universe was heresy to those in power at that time. But it isn't necessary for others to believe it for it to work; any more than all Europe needed to believe the earth to be a sphere when "Columbus sailed the ocean blue, In fourteen hundred ninety-two". The outstanding success experienced by the individuals who manage to personally practice truly-natural healing strongly indicates that they are treating life as MUCH MORE SACRED than so-called civilization is. They're NOT DOING NOTHING. They're doing MUCH MORE than traditional "civilized" medicine is. Now, surely, that does NOT make them a menace to society ---unless, of course, society is insecure in it's convictions.

Free E-Book on this website ---

The Truth About "Natural" Healing ---
Ten Things You Should Know

Copyright 2007 Low Tech Concepts

1. What IS It --- REALLY? --- Scientific "Alternative Medicine"? OR Psychosomatic Occult Superstition?

2. The Issues --- Widespread Claims & Misconceptions

3. Is It Safe?

4. Is It Scientific?

5. Is It Legal?

6. What's the REAL Problem?

7. Is It Enough? --- Growing Up REALLY Drug Free --- A True Story

8. Is It For YOU?

9. How Does It Work? --- Unconventional Concepts of Illness & Health --- You May or May Not Have Considered

10. How You Can Learn More

Appendix --- Other Observations and Questions You May or May Not Have Wondered About

Appendix 2 --- A Natural-Healing Perspective on Coronavirus and others that are blamed for various illnesses

Living Wills, Advance Medical Directives, and Serious Considerations


NOTHING in these pages is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ANY illness or disease; nor to prescribe, endorse, OR EVEN RECOMMEND any substance, therapy or other health care choice. All material is provided as INFORMATION ONLY for the exclusive use of persons wishing to take greater PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their body and health or those desiring to defend the reasonableness of doing so.

This work is privately funded, purely educational, non- commercial, non-political, non-religious, and strives to be as neutral and non-partisan in every other way as presenting facts and correcting error can possibly be. While based on sources believed by the editor to be reliable, all statements not directly quoted from and referenced to other sources should be considered merely one person's unorthodox opinion.

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Truly-Natural-Health Information Center
provided as a "community service"
Low Tech Concepts.

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