"Alternative Medicine" --- Natural Health Care? Reform?
Non-commercial, purely-educational facts you need for freedom of informed CHOICE --- not merely informed CONSENT.

Note --- If you're FOR one choice and against another, just remember: It may be FOR you, but it isn't FOR everybody; so don't "make a religion out of it" (or a "crusade" or an "inquisition", either) by ASSUMING we all need the same things and have the same personal values. WE DON'T! Grant everyone else the same freedom of choice you cherish.
- Free E-Book - Continued -

The Truth About "Natural" Healing
-- Ten Things You Should Know

7. Is It Enough? --
Growing Up REALLY Drug Free - A True Story

When people say or hear "drug free", almost no one thinks of being COMPLETELY drug free. Few would even want to; and, obviously, such a way of life is NOT for everybody. But the following true story was contributed by a person who HAS been completely drug free for WELL over half a century, and is living proof of what CAN be done if you come to understand the workings and needs of the human body and try to exercise good judgement (not jumping on every fad that comes along) ----as well as some of the social consequences you should be prepared for should you even consider such a decision.

Note: If you somehow missed the rest of this discussion:
The Truth About "Natural" Healing -- Ten Things You Should Know,
please click on the above title or the navigation bar in the right hand column to pick up the preceding segments. This story may not mean much to you without it ---unless, of course, you've had very similar experiences.
( It SHOULD open in a new "window" so you won't lose this one.)

I grew up with three non-medical health care professionals. My father and both grandfathers. They were Chiropractors. They didn't just "crunch bones" or "crack joints" as is the common misconception. My dad and my maternal grandfather particularly were very interested in nutritional and other biological therapies (which nowadays would most likely be classified as naturopathic) that affected things like body chemistry and metabolism, including acid and alkaline balance and elimination of toxic byproducts ---as well as educating their patients in simple natural things they could do for themselves to promote healing and good health.

By the time I entered grade school, we had a close but ever widening circle of friends with whom we shared a rather unique set of values and by whom we felt very loved. Except - - - when health care came up. We learned early on not to bring it up. After all, health care was not our religion, and certainly not a religious crusade. We felt doctors should be available, but not some kind of activists campaigning for a cause. But some of these friends had very strong feelings about traditional "western" health care, so it would eventually come up anyway. To them, Medicine was the only true, serious and complete health care, and being different was a "mortal sin" or something. So even though we were very careful not to offer unsolicited health advice (extremely hesitant even when asked) much less try to tell others how to make their health care decisions, plenty of folks were ready and willing to pass negative pre-judgement on our non-medical choices anytime they became public knowledge. They usually didn't even when we were asked. We learned to give very vague and evasive answers. They really were the best of friends in every other way, so we did everything we could to try to keep peace. At times though I felt I really didn't "belong" but was just an intruding stranger being politely tolerated; and soon decided not to make a career of it, but to pursue what I hoped would be a more peaceful and productive life.

It was bad enough that in some States of the U.S. at the time, Chiropractors were still fighting court battles to be recognized and licensed as health care professionals ---and over false charges from you-can-guess-who of "practicing medicine without a license". It's a NON-MEDICAL healing profession, remember; so NO FORM of MEDICAL treatment was ever used. The charge was obviously just a fabricated excuse to restrain the "competition".

This gross intolerance, along with misleading information others would relate being given by their MEDICAL doctors, made me determined to take charge of my own health (good or ill) according to what I had learned growing up. Naturally, I received all the education Dad gave all his patients put together ---many times over. Talk about growing up drug free! - - - I've never even had so much as an aspirin. Not because I've never had pain. I was always more concerned with the CAUSE than the pain itself. Pain is our body's warning system to keep us from injuring ourselves worse. And I was about as willing to suppress that as any rational person would be to remove the batteries from all the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in the house.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate any medical doctors personally. Most of the few I've met were quite likable individuals. But after what our family had learned from many patients' MEDICAL experiences and from the "confidential" Medical newsletters (similar to this Journal of the American Medical Association article ) Dad and Grandad would inadvertently receive as a result of having "Dr." in front of their names, I began to see Medicine's APPROACH to illness as seriously flawed, and it's SYSTEM as greedy and less than completely honest (for lack of a "nice" more-accurate description ---I'm trying to remain "civil" about this). Of course, no human institution is incorruptible; but I decided I did NOT want omnipotent "mainstream Medicine" getting their hands on me UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. That decision may not sound very rational to you, but a lot of careful thought preceded it and I'm convinced I've had superior health care for my personal needs for well over a century. ---If only I didn't have to defend personal health care choices that are actually safer AND MORE EFFECTIVE in the long term (not to mention being nobody else's business)! Or feel like I'm "walking on eggs" to keep from having to! (Scrambled eggs, anyone?)

I didn't have to for a time. In my youthful wanderings I stumbled upon a rather unique little sub-culture among the otherwise same kind of friends in an area that drew people from many varied backgrounds, cultures and places. As a result, almost everybody was different from nearly everyone else but seldom did anybody even seem to notice. Even when they did, friends like these didn't have to understand everything to be understanding. It was truly refreshing. But in the years since then I have finally realized, especially after becoming the 24-hour-7-day-a-week caregiver for my last-surviving elderly invalid parent who had put these same totally non-medical health care choices in writing in a DPA (Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care) form before becoming completely disabled--- that down deep very little has really changed in western society. All the "natural" and "organic" advertising and all the "complementary" and "alternative medicine" hype not withstanding. Naturally all these friends wanted to help, and those who could (including a few medical professionals) seemed exceptionally flexible and non-opinionated. But it only takes one or two authoritarian latecomers who assume they understand completely, but actually comprehend nothing of the patient's LEGALLY SIGNED AND WITNESSED INSTRUCTIONS (yet feel very strongly "duty bound" to set things "right" in their uninformed view ---medically, of course) to strike panic in the hearts of misinformed-but-easily-intimidated ones.

As I write this my "patient" has not even had visitors in months and, of course, I no longer feel the refuge here I did in the past. But even worse, to see my dear friends so intimidated by such a powerful totalitarian system as to render some of them (even if unwittingly and unintentionally) too oblivious and intolerant to be capable of truly listening with genuine understanding to any other concept of life and health has to be one of the saddest, most despicable things I have ever personally witnessed.

--- Contributed (anonymous)

So, How do you know if it's for YOU?
Please see the next page.


That valuable possession that cannot be taken away even when we lose everything else (except our memory, perhaps), and from which (someone else's, preferably) we hope we can learn.

You are reading --- The Truth About "Natural" Healing --- Ten Things You Should Know

Copyright 2007 Low Tech Concepts

1. What IS It --- REALLY? --- Scientific "Alternative Medicine"? OR Psychosomatic Occult Superstition?
2. The Issues --- Widespread Claims & Misconceptions
3. Is It Safe?
4. Is It Scientific?
5. Is It Legal?
6. What's the REAL Problem?
7. Is It Enough? --- Growing Up REALLY Drug Free --- A True Story
8. Is It For YOU?
9. How Does It Work? --- Unconventional Concepts of Illness & Health --- You May or May Not Have Considered
10. How You Can Learn More

Appendix --- Other Observations and Questions You May or May Not Have Wondered About
Appendix 2 --- A Natural-Healing Perspective on Coronavirus and others that are blamed for various illnesses
Living Wills, Advance Medical Directives, and Serious Considerations


NOTHING in these pages is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ANY illness or disease; nor to prescribe, endorse, OR EVEN RECOMMEND any substance, therapy or other health care choice. All material is provided as INFORMATION ONLY for the exclusive use of persons wishing to take greater PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their body and health or those desiring to defend the reasonableness of doing so.

This work is privately funded, purely educational, non- commercial, non-political, non-religious, and strives to be as neutral and non-partisan in every other way as presenting facts and correcting error can possibly be. While based on sources believed by the editor to be reliable, all statements not directly quoted from and referenced to other sources should be considered merely one person's unorthodox opinion.

Thanks for visiting the
Truly-Natural-Health Information Center
provided as a "community service"
Low Tech Concepts.

Brief comments, questions and other observations - including constructive criticism - are welcome HERE . ( It's private, low-tech and non-commercial like the rest of these pages.)