"Alternative Medicine" - Natural Health Care? - Reform?
Non-commercial, purely-educational facts you need for freedom of informed CHOICE -- not merely informed CONSENT.

Note -- If you're FOR one choice and against another, just remember: It may be FOR you, but it isn't FOR everybody; so don't "make a religion of it" (or a "crusade" or an "inquisition", either) by ASSUMING we all need the same things and have the same personal values. WE DON'T! Grant everyone else the same freedom of choice you cherish.
- Free E-Book - Continued -

The Truth About "Natural" Healing
--- Ten Things You Should Know

8. Is It For YOU?

Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean it SHOULD be or that EVERYONE should do it. Some people can live, work and function for a time in outer space, but it isn't for everybody. At least not according to NASA (U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration). The last I heard, the requirements for astronauts were still pretty high.

To determine what's good for YOU, your own needs, values, ablilties and limitations must be taken into account. Your total self. And, with an endeavor like "natural healing", how much of that "self" you're willing to put into it.

One of the most common lines of fallacious health reasoning appears to go that if it's natural it's safe; and even doctors can never be absolutely sure how each medicine will react on each individual; so, if it's ok for them to "experiment", surely it's safe for us to do so using only natural therapies. But, realistically, how would you feel about going to a doctor who you knew had never studied, but had found some other way to pass all the exams? Surely you see the point: If we're setting out to "heal thyself", we'd better "do OUR homework" too, hadn't we? We can't just blindly experiment, and expect to be "cured" or to have perfect health. We must be truly committed to this concept and to the lifetime of personal study and research that it requires --- along with the time and patience it takes to change only one element of our regimen at a time and keep careful personal notes of the results. (SOME friends and relatives may think we SHOULD be committed, but that's a different kind :) You may spend less on medicine and doctor bills, but you STILL have to "pay the piper", so to speak and not everyone will be able or willing to do that.

And "natural" doesn't automatically mean "safe". Some of the most toxic materials known to humans grow "naturally" out of the ground. More reason to "do our homework"! Nowadays the specific meanings of "natural" apparently depend on what you're trying to sell but generally suggest a wholesomeness beyond human wisdom; not tampered with, artificially produced or modified in any way. Not nearly as mystical, magical or spiritual as it sounds, really. Even so, by the above definition, we'll never live a truly natural life in THIS world. After all, is there any thing or any place on earth not affected in some way by human activity --- that often took place somewhere else on the planet? You just have to try to find the things that have been altered the least. And even something that's "good" and "natural" isn't always good for EVERYBODY. If you know very many people rather well, try naming three foods that nobody is "allergic" to.

Another misconception can arise from the term "COMPLEMENTARY Alternative Medicine". While commendable if it means working together to benefit humanity, (and despicable should it be an effort of the profession "in power" to maintain TOTAL CONTROL of all "health care") the fact remains that not all therapies are as "complementary" or compatible as the term would seem to infer. Remember the somewhat startling news on national TV in some lands a while back that so "natural" and "harmless" a product as grapefruit juice could seriously alter the body's response to a number of prescription drugs? So, if you try to "get the best of both worlds" you have even more "homework" to do and an even higher standard to search for in knowledgeable professionals.

If you're really serious about taking personal responsibility for your body and health, which truly natural healing requires, the first thing you need to do is understand as much as you can about how this marvelous "machine", the human body, actually functions. (Watching all the doctor and hospital "soap operas" won't "cut it" ---sorry!) What you need is a good anatomy and physiology textbook. And some quiet time. Which won't likely come tap you on the shoulder. Even searching for it may not help. If you're like most of us, you'll probably have to TRADE some OTHER time for it, but it will be one of the best "investments" you ever made. And prepare to be amazed beyond words --- unless you have a really fantastic vocabulary. Then, when you go looking for natural healing advice, whether in print or from a professional health care provider, you'll be better equipped to evaluate how (or if) it should be applied to your particular needs --- or whether someone is simply (sincerely or otherwise) "selling you a fantasy".

LEARNING all this is the relatively easy part. APPLYING it with SOUND REASONING is where it gets tricky. Nearly all of us grow up in a very narrow culture. Our view of life and the world around us is shaped and often distorted by that upbringing. The common "western world" view for example, is that to be "intelligent" one must accept unquestioningly whatever is popularly considered "scientific" at the time. Nothing could be futher from the truth, of course. ANCIENT SUPERSTITION accepted unproven "scientific" beliefs as fact. So does "modern superstition", sad to say. To true science, however, no understanding of the physical universe is above question --- not even one's own observations and conclusions.

Some obvious but often overlooked questions about health advice you receive from magazines, "junk mail" or the internet include: Is it selling a product or service? Is it a "sure cure"? --- Or a "cure all"? Does it contain negative connotations toward all other therapies and methods? How proud of themselves and their supposed knowledge do the writers sound? It's great to share one's knowledge and experience, but not to consider it the "last word" or the "stone tablets from Sinai". Of course, all human nature seems to have a touch of pride, prejudice and other greed which can sabotage the credibility of even the best advice; so, try not to be paranoid about it --- or the "eternal skeptic". But try not to be gullible, either. We all at some time tend to believe what we WISH were true --- OR ARE AFRAID TO QUESTION. Try instead to be not only knowledgeable but sensible. (There's a difference.) In everything strive for balance --- the key to health and life itself.

For more questions you're "not supposed to ask" about widely accepted beliefs on sickness and health along with some unconventional concepts to which they point,
9. "How Does It Work?"

You know what they say --- "Everybody's Different"

Not for me, thanks.
How about you?
 Astronaut in Spacewalk
U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Photo

Oldest Known Picture of the Legendary "Pied Piper"

You are reading --- The Truth About "Natural" Healing --- Ten Things You Should Know

Copyright 2007 Low Tech Concepts

[Click (Or Touch) Any Picture For It's OWN Story]

1. What IS It --- REALLY? --- Scientific "Alternative Medicine"? OR Psychosomatic Occult Superstition?

2. The Issues --- Widespread Claims & Misconceptions

3. Is It Safe?

4. Is It Scientific?

5. Is It Legal?

6. What's the REAL Problem?

7. Is It Enough? --- Growing Up REALLY Drug Free --- A True Story

8. Is It For YOU?

9. How Does It Work? --- Unconventional Concepts of Illness & Health --- You May or May Not Have Considered

10. How You Can Learn More

Appendix --- Other Observations and Questions You May or May Not Have Wondered About

Appendix 2 --- A Natural-Healing Perspective on Coronavirus and others that are blamed for various illnesses

Living Wills, Advance Medical Directives, and Serious Considerations


NOTHING in these pages is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ANY illness or disease; nor to prescribe, endorse, OR EVEN RECOMMEND any substance, therapy or other health care choice. All material is provided as INFORMATION ONLY for the exclusive use of persons wishing to take greater PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their body and health or those desiring to defend the reasonableness of doing so.

This work is privately funded, purely educational, non- commercial, non-political, non-religious, and strives to be as neutral and non-partisan in every other way as presenting facts and correcting error can possibly be. While based on sources believed by the editor to be reliable, all statements not directly quoted from and referenced to other sources should be considered merely one person's unorthodox opinion.

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Truly-Natural-Health Information Center
provided as a "community service"
Low Tech Concepts.

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